
For The Police Record is my latest attempt to resolve what I regard as some important issues.

The biggest issue, being a religious cult of global proportions fabricating, that-is "inventing" a false messiah.

Clearly, to those who can think, this, if true, is an enormous issue, indeed, an enormous crime, not just against the poor sod they "chose" to play their puppet, to play "Jesus returned", but against everyone who has been conned, convinced seduced or hypnotized to believe it.

As the religious cult is non-other than the Catholic church, and, somewhat amazingly, in collusion with the Freemasons, and other cults of huge follower numbers, from Britain and India, the crime of deceiving people into believing Jesus has returned, is, in classically appropriate terms "of Biblical proportions"!

I've been suspicious that much was happening behind my back, in my own family, amongst so-called "friends" and across the various workforces I've been employed in, for decades now.

But it wasn't until about 2004 that I started having a serious look into the mystery of my own life.

In what follows, I try once more, to put together the evidence, with a lot of conjecture, speculation and assumption, surrounding this extremely dangerous GLOBAL crime.

By "GLOBAL", I mean that when the subject, and the evidence and the "conspiracy" are all weighed-up, they amount to perhaps "the largest crime against Humanity", since we began walking the Earth.

Being in the very centre of this deception, it is to be expected that I might see it this way.

I named this "blog" For The Police Record, because I am so shocked by what I have uncovered in the last decade and longer, about myself, my family, and the other players involved, that I prefer that the coppers read it themselves, and go about exposing the criminals, passed and present, and finally put a stop to the ongoing deception which are the modern Catholic, Christian religions, and even Jewish, or at least a later invention known as the "Zionist" movement, as well as those other cults who have willingly participated, now for well over one hundred years, and, LEAVE ME ALONE, (I say with jocular emphasis)!

But the bottomline under all of this is no joke, and as the Victorian Police seem to have had something of an awakening as to who are correct in terms of religious authority, that-is, "CULTURAL authority", that-is, what Values a psychologically Healthy Community, Society, Nation and World need-must recognize and seek to operate upon, perhaps the fraudulent cults behind my victimization, and behind steering the whole world astray, will at last, be brought to account, and to Justice?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Sorry! Jesus Couldn't Make It!

So, me mum is sprung in bed, by her Grandad, John Thomas Willis, as she's having extramarital sex with her old boyfriend, "Boxer" O'brien, conceiving me!

So, lusty-lass as she was, at 31 in July 1954, with a "mission" covertly programmed into her by St Joseph's convent, the cult who "stole" her at 9 y/o from her Gunai Aboriginal father, "Donald Sutherland Willis" (Sutherlands of "Dunrobin Castle" Scotland, pioneers in 1890s east Victoria, responsible for the UNTOLD mass murder of me Gunai Aborigine Ancestors north-east of Walhalla, & the kidnap of me Pop & his 2 siblings), she jumps out of bed, throws her naked whoppers at Grandpop, & causes him to die of a heart-attack!

She runs to the nuns for a few hail Marys, & they demand my Soul - blackmail - to save her from hanging by the neck until dead!

But, another secret, they REALLY want my Soul, to be their puppet in their, & the Sutherlands & the evil "Theosophical Society's" mission.

The mission to "build" the (false) messiah!

You've all heard about or read Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code"?

About Jesus Christ (Jesus ben Joseph) surviving the crucifixion & being secreted to Scotland with Mary Magdeline, to have kids & things?

"Rumor" has it, that the aforementioned "Sutherlands" are JC & Mary Magdeline's descendents, as "portrayed" in fictional format, by Dan Brown.


Maaaybe not?

But why Aborigine blood?

Aristocratic Britain & Europe were, as far back as the 18th century, becoming "inbred"!

Also, the Catholic & Sutherland & Jewish pioneers realised the Aborigine were "a fully realised race"!

A whole RACE, of Fully Enlightened Human Beings!

"Better SHOOT 'EM!!"

Too much for whitey to handle!

But, as well as wiping them out for the GOLD (120 TONS from just TWO MINES, in Gippsland, Gunai Country in the 1890s!), & for the land, they wanted the Enlightened Spirit of these "Immortals" as well, to mix into their inbred blood-line of Jesus's!

This, because the "parties", Catholics, Sutherlands, by then the wealthiest clan on Earth via the opium-growing-shipping-&-dealing British East India Company, today's IMF, & the Catholic ("Tudor" as-in Kings Henry 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th, bloodline of the ancient Welsh Kings"Maredudd" or "Meredith", me STEP-Dad's real surname) elites of the University of Oxford England, knew Jesus was NOT "coming back"!

All that "HAVE FAITH & WAIT FOR JESUS TO RETURN!" was a massive lie, started by the ancient Romans, in the 4th century AD, as a way, a tool, a trick, to subdue foreign peoples, so that Rome could steal their land, their gold, their diamonds, & their children as slaves!


Funny how I WAS NOT TOLD that I'm a bastard, that me Grandad, Don S. Willis, was in fact Aborigine from an Enlightened Tribe, Nation, RACE, who, as a young boy, witnessed his Tribe being massacred in the 1890s, that mum murdered her Grandpop at my conception, that the lot of them (not Pop Willis & me Stepdad, Allan Nichols COOK-Meredith) were conspiring to set-me-up as "he who would save" the evil Catholic church cult from being exposed as a total FRAUD?

Funny that I have had to figure this all out from beneath 55 years of lies-lies-AND-MORE-DAMNED-LIES, from family, "friends", coppers, the church & the Australian Labor Party, & that now, I DEFY all attempts to put me on a pedestal, & struggle instead to survive totally alone, exiled in forests, terrorized daily by fascinated, gutless, lying scum, and that I'm now stuck on an incline in my broken-down 4x4, wanting to forget EVERYTHING?

Funny that I was terrorized, assaulted & illegally arrested, falsely charged with firing a non-existent rifle at 5 NSW catholic pathological liars, as the catholic police commander from the nearby UTTERLY CORRUPT station was meeting with Pope Benedictus XVI, in Sydney, on Wednesday 16th July 2008?

Funny haha that I don't trust ANYONE anymore, that I suspect some arse sabotaged my ute yesterday, that I'm REALLY PISSED-OFF with the world, that I don't believe in God anymore, nor in "karma", & that life on Earth is utter shit, or, Hell?

Funny haha that, after deconstructing my psyche or Soul until I find that one ex-school mate, the dickless-thus-pathologically envious "David Edney" has been playing witch on me for about 40 years, & with mum & her St Joey's nuns doing the same since my CONCEPTION, that I'm frigid, stone-cold frozen emotionally, & sexually, & that, with a LARGE body of people wanting me to wank & open my 3rd eye, to be on par with the whole insane Human race, I look, as if dead to the world, at the full moon, & crawl back into my traveling tent, & down another vodka!

PROST! Vlad!

The Man I put in the Chair at The Kremlin, in 2000!

Death to "the west"!

Death to Rome!

Oh? Did I mention that I dismissed the voice I'd hear as I lay in bed, when I was a child, as my imagination, that sounded like an old man calling-up to me from deep underground, in pain, leaving me with a feeling that a gross injustice had occured?


Murdered in the hour of my conception, not 4 feet from my bed of my 1st 20 years?

Go-on! Tell me I'm insane!

Until I get some TRUTH, with AN APOLOGY,

I DEFY!!!!

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