
For The Police Record is my latest attempt to resolve what I regard as some important issues.

The biggest issue, being a religious cult of global proportions fabricating, that-is "inventing" a false messiah.

Clearly, to those who can think, this, if true, is an enormous issue, indeed, an enormous crime, not just against the poor sod they "chose" to play their puppet, to play "Jesus returned", but against everyone who has been conned, convinced seduced or hypnotized to believe it.

As the religious cult is non-other than the Catholic church, and, somewhat amazingly, in collusion with the Freemasons, and other cults of huge follower numbers, from Britain and India, the crime of deceiving people into believing Jesus has returned, is, in classically appropriate terms "of Biblical proportions"!

I've been suspicious that much was happening behind my back, in my own family, amongst so-called "friends" and across the various workforces I've been employed in, for decades now.

But it wasn't until about 2004 that I started having a serious look into the mystery of my own life.

In what follows, I try once more, to put together the evidence, with a lot of conjecture, speculation and assumption, surrounding this extremely dangerous GLOBAL crime.

By "GLOBAL", I mean that when the subject, and the evidence and the "conspiracy" are all weighed-up, they amount to perhaps "the largest crime against Humanity", since we began walking the Earth.

Being in the very centre of this deception, it is to be expected that I might see it this way.

I named this "blog" For The Police Record, because I am so shocked by what I have uncovered in the last decade and longer, about myself, my family, and the other players involved, that I prefer that the coppers read it themselves, and go about exposing the criminals, passed and present, and finally put a stop to the ongoing deception which are the modern Catholic, Christian religions, and even Jewish, or at least a later invention known as the "Zionist" movement, as well as those other cults who have willingly participated, now for well over one hundred years, and, LEAVE ME ALONE, (I say with jocular emphasis)!

But the bottomline under all of this is no joke, and as the Victorian Police seem to have had something of an awakening as to who are correct in terms of religious authority, that-is, "CULTURAL authority", that-is, what Values a psychologically Healthy Community, Society, Nation and World need-must recognize and seek to operate upon, perhaps the fraudulent cults behind my victimization, and behind steering the whole world astray, will at last, be brought to account, and to Justice?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Catholic Abuses

I happened to listen to ABC Radio National's "Spirit of Things" today, which Oh Golly Gosh was about "cult abuses".
So I flung this word-bomb off to me ol' darling Rachael Kohn who compares the program.
THEN, I spied their "Have Your Say" page, and flung a copy of it onto that as well!!!
(we'll see if they post it for public viewage?)

Please include the mainstream cult of Catholicism in any reports, allegations and charges of "abuse"!
The Theosophical Society also!
Both are in deep in forcing me to play a false messiah!
You know about this, as do all in ABC!
Don't condemn one (Xenophon V Scientology) without doing the same Just thing to all!
Wherever the Catholic church has been, abuses are rampant. All of society, worldwide, is damaged because of this, and yet your Catholic, Zionist ABC, ALP mobs say and do nothing?
USA, Sth America, Ireland, Australia, now all of Europe are up-in-arms against the church.
The biggest abuse, of trying to fool the masses that "Jesus" has returned, is the most evil.
Accepting their "30 pieces of silver" to stay silent spells doom for everyone!
The Catholic church, and ALL "Christian" churches, are exposed as false religions today.
You cannot and must not continue to deny these hard but essential FACTS!
Don't leave it until I personally act violently!
Hordes of sympathetic "Outlaws" are breaking-loose because of this, in support of my case, and your mobs' keeping quiet will only exacerbate the chaos!
Everyone who ignores my plea is abusing me, raping me, killing me slowly.
Taking the bribes makes animals of you all, and threatens the future of every Human Being.
Give it UP, Girlie!

Omaxa bin Eartha

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