Sent on 13/03/10. (Apart from a response following my second email, I've had nothing from them?)
Thank you for your response.
I delayed replying to your email, due to futility.
Also, today I further read your website and saw that Cult Counselling charges fees.
This is not unreasonable, obviously.
However, as I am on my own in regard to this matter, as my family have repeatedly denied this “set-up”, and have “betrayed” me to authorities, I assert, in order to protect the church involved, and as I have been forced out of the workforce and onto a government pension (forced out of earning my own keep in about 1994, and onto a pension in 2000), paying any fees for your services would appear to be out of the question.
Also, after a few days since receiving your email, I have again put time and thought into what my chances are of ever resolving this, and basically conclude that it is, for myself, irresolvable.
Because of the repeated “betrayal” by government, family, friends and all others I have approached in regard to this rubbish, I am left with no choice but to also be wary of trusting “Cult Counselling”.
I apologise for this, and feel sure your employees are of high integrity.
However passed experience has shown me over and again that those who would keep me silent, in the dark and exiled (including my own mother, and my “half-”siblings, government, police and so-called “psyche-services”), are extremely influential and, indeed, powerful, such that they do not hesitate to “invade” anyone elses privacy to keep control of myself and of this heinous and phenomenally large “plan” or, “conspiracy”.
Of the last few years, I have found information relating to this, which goes to large and powerful forces in Britain, which include the wealthy “Zionists” of Oxford England.
While I have no reason to argue against Jewish Peoples having a homeland of their own, I cannot ignore the evidence which says that the current “nation-state” of Israel, is in fact illegal.
I mention this because I note that a few members of Cult Counselling are Jewish, and I expect that the predominant Australian Jewry are themselves Zionist also, therefore here I find another reason to feel uncertain about taking this personal issue any further with Cult Counselling Australia.
Again, I apologise for saying this, and reiterate my feelings that your employees are no doubt of high integrity.
But without a full and honest exposure of the “conspiracy” which has been my own life, since my conception in 1954, and for at least 60 years before that, which involves both murder, AND genocide, of my Aborigine Ancestral Family of the “Gunai” Tribe in Gippsland Victoria in the 1890s, a full and honest exposure which I feel certain is beyond the abilities of “Cult Counselling”, nothing further can be done by Cult Counselling.
If, however, Cult Counselling was motivated by what I have so-far written, and if Cult Counselling would act to both save my life, and save a great many people from further deceptions and cult crimes, maybe Cult Counselling can investigate what I have written, both in these three emails to “CC”, but also in my web log?
I do note that CC charges for time spent reading and researching.
However, as I assert, with sound evidence, that this affair of which I am (most unfortunately) in the centre, is perhaps of fundamental importance to the resolution of this basic and seriously errant phenomenon, of cults deploying “mind control techniques” on otherwise innocent persons, may I suggest that CC makes it's own investigations into “my” affairs?
Were I able, I would compile all the relevant evidence, and essays and articles I have written on this, my, and the Catholic church's matter, of attempting to “construct” a false messiah, into one tome, book or collection.
But because of this very same curse, I am unable. Neither is it the want of the “conspirators”, and/or of those who have taken bribes to remain silent.
As I wrote in the first email I sent CC, which CC apparently did not receive, going to my weblog at you will find more than enough on the matter.
However, as there are perhaps over 500 “e-ssays” as I call them, on maxearth.blogspot, many of which address unrelated issues, mainly of politics, CC best employ a fast reader to scan through the blogsite's posts.
Also, with maxearth.blogspot, the reader must be prepared for some blunt statements and “course language”.
Finally, while most of these type of approaches to and taken-on by Cult Counselling Australia would be more interested in “saving” individuals and families from such terrible offences, with all humility, sincerity and soundness of mind, even while “hexed”, I do again assert that this one is possibly the biggest fraud upon the minds of the mass of Catholics, and Christians in general.
As to whether there is credence in the allegations I raise, that at least my mother and her ancestral family, the “Sutherland” of Scotland, believe that they, and thus I, am descended from Jeshua ben Joseph, aka Jesus Christ himself, and therefore that our blood is that of Jesus, etcetera-and-on, I cannot say.
It may indeed be so!
But of a certainty, so many many others are also.
From my own personal Journey in Philosophy, I cannot be convinced that “blood” matters in the slightest, in being at One with the All Pervading Spirit of Life, that all religions and Philosophies call “God”, or “YHVH”, or “Allah”, “Brahma”, Et Al.
So, “fees” aside for the minute, if Cult Counselling Australia is genuine, and is sincerely interested in "arresting" this disgusting game of "cult mind control", and all it's insinuations and ramifications, and if CC CAN help me at all, then it can only be in exposing this grand deceit, by the Catholic church, to all, for all.
Otherwise, I am left to remain defiant, to my death.
I use OpenOffice software (by Sun Microsystems) on my laptop. I expect you are familiar.
I say so because I will attempt to send you an attachment with this email, a single A4 page .odg document (“.odg” is an “Drawing” software document, which comes no charge with OpenOffice) which is an “ancestral tree” of my lineage, to the best of my knowledge and inquiries.
It may be of interest and assistance to you?
Please be aware that my own investigations about my own family's history, particularly about my massacred Aborigine Ancestors, but also about the fact that I am illegitimate, and that possibly my own mother is a murderer, uncovered in only the last few years, has deeply effected me, and my want and ability to relate to other people is now non-existent, to the point of my being a very cold misanthropist.
Justice, please?
(The attachment referred to is a "Family Tree" diagram I drew-up in the Open Office DRAW program. I'd show it on this blog but I don't know how to?)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
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